Cultural Inclusion

Link: RA Summer Exhibition

Author of the Cultural Inclusion Manifesto and Lead Practitioner of the Creative Arts at Westminster Special Schools, Paul Morrow, leads a curated 30-minute tour of five works from this year’s Summer Exhibition. 2nd August 2018. See more    

Link: A Long Letter to Joey

There is much debate about curriculum content at the moment. A significant and feisty debate on the cultural canon for our schools. This great piece from Stephen Unwin shows why it is so important that the art and culture we…

Link: Is Silence Golden?

Blog by Martin Boniface. Last month, my son, Harry was excited to go to the theatre. Harry has severe learning disabilities, epilepsy and no speech, Harry loves animals and when his Dimensions support worker took him to see Into the Woods, a…

News: London launch for Cultural Inclusion Manifesto

School Travel Organiser report The Lyric Theatre Hammersmith recently hosted the official launch of the Cultural Inclusion Manifesto, a statement of intent to address children’s needs for better access to cultural and arts opportunities. See more

Link: Wellbeing through arts and culture

The Arts Council believe that making and experiencing arts and culture can transform quality of life for individuals and communities. Take a look at the projects and information below to find out more, and help them to spread the word…

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