Govanhill Baths Community Trust

Govanhill Baths Community Trust – We believe access to culture is a fundamental right of all people. We run wellbeing workshops, exhibitions, and other events throughout the year where access is crucial.

We are a activist-led community wellbeing organisation based in the most diverse district in Scotland, and believe that culture should be accessible to all, regardless of race, age, gender identity, sexuality, ability, nationality, class, or any other characteristic. I (Katherine, the Learning and Outreach Officer @ GBCT) am a member of GEM, and in one of their issues they highlighted your Inclusive Access Plan. Like you, we believe that no person's access should be treated as an afterthought. Our main building is currently closed for refurbishment (until 2022, though we still run many events and activities), and this is a good opportunity for us to radically rethink our access arrangements, meaning our new building will truly be welcoming to everyone. We would like to model our access plan on your structure, which is why we would like to join your organisation. We would also like to be kept up to date on future developments of the manifesto. To find out more about us and how we came about, please visit our website:

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