Natalie (Tilley) Hughes/Milburn – I'm Autistic (amongst other things), I'm passionate about all things diversity, accessibility, inclusion, as an Artist, Museum Worker, Volunteer and Human Being, I try to walk the walk, not just talk the talk, and Del (my Patchwork Piggie!) and I are actually Hosting a Symposium this Friday (22nd July) for "THE LIBERTY FESTIVAL", and I've just discovered about this New Manifesto, as I see I will be introducing the Creator of this, Paul Morrow, right towards the end of this Event, no less!
As I've just mentioned above, I have only just stumbled upon this, and it's far too important to ignore, tell myself, I'll do it later, I feel. Culture is everywhere, impacts on us all, no matter who we are, where we hail from, those of us with Disabilities are no different, it's just that we have certain extra barriers that are largely made worse by society, in general, by infrastructure, environments, attitudes, perceptions that are not the most accurate, many, many complex and not so complex reasons that are seemingly limitless and never ending. I'm hoping that this Manifesto has the potential to change all that in time, but I know it won't be straightforward, rapid, progress that is worthwhile and decided by, centred around Disabled people needs to be all about what we genuinely want and need after all, and not what is assumed to be true, by those who have little or no concept of what we may or may not see as priorities for our own culturally inclusive needs and desires. This is all stuff you already know, I'm preaching to the converted here, mostly, but there you go, this is just some of what has motivated me to join you on this journey, at least begin, in any case, by Signing up to your Manifesto now, and seeing how else I might lend my support, reading and learning about it all, and so on, as none of us is ever truly, 100% "In the know" about anything/everything, are we now, after all. We are all "Works in Progress", and life is ever evolving journey that never ends until we, you know, are no more, and even then, we all leave a part of us behind, for good measure. XxXx XxXx XxXx XxXx