Cultural Inclusion House of Commons Event

Sharon Hodgson MP hosted the Cultural Inclusion Manifesto reception at the House of Commons on the 22nd January 2019. The event was a celebration of the growing commitment to the Cultural Inclusion Manifesto and for arts and culture being open and accessible to all.

The speakers were:

  • Sharon Hodgson MP, Labour MP for Washington and Sunderland West, Shadow Minister for Public Health, Chair of the APPGs on Art, Craft and Design in Education, Dyslexia and SpLD. (see the speech)
  • Dr Adam Boddison, Chief Executive for nasen - National Association of Special Educational Needs (see the speech)
  • Anita Kerwin-Nye, Founder Of Every Child Should (see the blog the speech was based on)
  • Paul Morrow, Author of the Cultural Inclusion Manifesto (see the speech)
  • Moshtaba, a young person who provided their account of what cultural inclusion means to them (see the speech)

See the pre-event briefing notes

The event was supported by nasen working with Every Child Should and the manifesto’s authors Paul Morrow and Rachel Christophides and sponsored by 31 Dover.

The reception celebrated the 100th signatory to the Cultural Inclusion Manifesto, considered the findings of the work so far and made a call for the Arts Council to place true disability access at the core of their 2020-2030 Strategy.

Too often children and young people with disabilities, particularly learning disabilities, are excluded from full access to culture and arts. The general demise in access to the arts – both in school and in school visits to arts settings - compounds this exclusion.

The Cultural Inclusion Manifesto is a set of shared beliefs which aim to both drive and guide inclusive practice in the fields of education, art and culture. Signatories affirm their commitment to these beliefs as well as to collaborative working across sectors to encourage and inform the inclusion of disabled children and young people in artistic and cultural experiences.

The manifesto now has over 100 signatories from a range of stakeholders including arts and culture organisations, schools, disability charities, disabled artists, MPs, Peers, London Assembly Members, disabled children and their families. Sign up now, if you haven't already!

Click here to see an article about the event in Arts Professional

Thanks to Oliver James for these 4 photos and event video

Some highlights from Twitter:

Sharon Hodgson MP
Delighted to host this evenings celebration of the Cultural Inclusion Manifesto event in Parliament. Every child should have access to a broad & balanced curriculum, regardless of any disability or learning difficulties. Thanks to all the brilliant speakers and everyone who came.

Joe McCann
"Fantastic evening at #CulturalInclusion listening to excellent speakers put forward the need for #CulturalInclusion now. @anitakntweets @AdamBoddison @nasen_org"

Alix Robertson
Great to be at the launch of the #culturalinclusion manifesto in parliament tonight, with @AdamBoddison @nasen_org @anitakntweets @paul_a_morrow @SharonHodgsonMP

Sophie Leach
Thank you to each and every speaker and to @nasen_org #Culturalinclusion is two way and you explained why #EVERYchildshould
#manifesto @anitakntweets @paul_anderson_morrow @AdamBoddison #mustapher @SharonHodgsonMP

June Stevenson
So pleased to be at the excellent manifesto launch for #culturalinclusion this evening with @anitakntweets and so many others, representing @ArtisFdn and all the inclusive performing arts sessions our specialists deliver

Sian Alexander
Important recognition for an important issue. Proud to represent @LyricHammer at last night's #culturalinclusion manifesto event at House of Commons with @marilynjrice @anitakntweets @paul_a_morrow @nasen_org @SharonHodgsonMP

@anitakntweets talks more about why cultural and arts is the solution and has a key role in making children and young people with SEND feel valued. #culturalinclusion @AdamBoddison @paul_a_morrow

Corali Dance Company
Brilliant to be part of the Cultural Inclusion Manifesto launch at the House of Commons last night. Great speakers, positivity and energy in the room. @SharonHodgsonMP @AdamBoddison @anitakntweets @paul_a_morrow #culturalinclusion

Honoured and delighted to be at The Cultural Inclusion Manifesto parliamentary briefing this evening at the House of Commons. Exciting things happening...

Cultural Inclusion
Cultural Inclusion
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